The Adventure of Board Game Development
Our printer, Blue Panther, is now offering thick, laser-cut replacement counters with direct color printing for the following games for the cost of shipping and handling: 5 USD domestic, 10 USD international. This generous offer is for a limited time only. Limit one set per game purchased. The S&H fee covers any number of replacement sets in the same order. For example, if you have previously purchased Shield Wall and Neuve Chapelle, you can get the new counters for both games shipped to you in the same order. All games purchased from now forward will have the new counters.
Shield Wall
We Shall Fight on the Marne
At Neuve Chapelle
All Is Lost To Me
The new counters will be available at the Consimworld conference and the offer will end the last day of the conference on June 2, 2013. After that, the price will be $5/$10 per each sheet, depending on whether the order destination is domestic or international. Use the Buy Now button below to order your replacement counters online.