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The Adventure of Board Game Development
Welcome to White Dog Games!
When I started publishing games, we needed a name for our business. I named the company after my American Eskimo dog, Skye. She was a great dog and a wonderful companion.
We are a small group of designers, artists, developers, and play testers who have fun making games on topics that interest us.
Our games are published in boxed and print-and-play (PNP) formats. Print and-play games are downloaded, printed off at home, and assembled by the player.
We use a "print on demand" business model. This means that when you send us a few coins to pay the printer, compensate our great artists a small amount for their talent and time, and cover our shipping expenses, we send your order to the printer and he prints the game, packages it, and ships it to you. (Game price includes shipping and handling for boxed and folio games.) When you order a game we will send you a confirmation email. Payment is made by PayPal normally but we will accept a personal check made out to Michael W. Kennedy. Do not write White Dog Games on the instrument. Please allow up to ten days for a check to clear. Allow a week to ten days for order shipment delivery. We do not accept credit cards.
We welcome designers to submit game designs. We pay designers a royalty per game sold which is better than what most if not all board game companies pay their designers. Artists are encouraged to present a portfolio. Game developers and play testers are welcome to join the White Dog Games team.
Too many games; too little time.
Skye (R.I.P.)

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