The Adventure of Board Game Development
"All in all, this is a small game with a big punch and is very historical in both looks and play." - Paul N. Solo War Gaming

In the NAME of JUSTICE is a grand tactical simulation of low complexity about the 13th century battle of the Second Baron’s War, part of the struggle to limit royal power in England. Earl Simon Montfort has gathered an army of dissatisfied rebel barons and, by stealing a march, had surprised the royal forces under King Henry III at the small East Sussex town of Lewes. The Battle of Lewes was the first on English soil in nearly fifty years and was the last "gentlemanly" conflict. At the Battle of Evesham in 1265 and after, no quarter was given.
For what is more right than law, whereby all things are ruled? And what is more true than justice, whereby matters are decided?
The Song of Lewes, 1264

To order IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE, use the drop-down menu below. The game comes in three formats: boxed, folio (plastic bag), and print-and-play (PnP). PnP is sent to you by email. Boxed and folio are printed and shipped by mail to your PayPal address. Select the format and shipping destination then click Add to Cart. A Vassal module of the game will be sent by email upon request.
The price shown includes shipping and handling.
"The subject matter appeals greatly to me. Armored knights, bowmen and slingers, men-at-arms and all that heraldry - what's not to love?!...absolutely perfect for solo play...I love the map...The counters are colorful and very evocative of the age..The armies are formed around Ward Leaders and the two Army Leaders. These are the main personalities (that were historically) present on the field of battle and being 'In Command' is vital for cohesion and is a realistic mechanic for this period...(the three theoretical scenarios are) a great plus and a rare addition to any historical war game."
- Paul N.
Solo War Gaming

"What's not to like? There's hilly terrain, an open field, a river, a castle, and a church. You've got horsemen, archers, and infantry. It's all chit pull driven, allowing for plenty of replayability. Obscure history, short rules, and fast play round out the package.
Another WDG winner!"
- Walt M.
"A solid medieval war game...really solitaire friendly...game turns play quickly...brings the medieval theme to life...some of the best art work in frankly any game...I found myself enjoying this game a lot...if the history interests you, check it out." - Let's Play
8.0 WARD ACTIVATION (Wording Change in Italics)
Players alternate drawing Ward chits from a draw cup to activate Wards. Pulled chits are not returned to the cup. If the End Turn chit is drawn after three Wards have been activated, including at least one Ward from each side, the turn ends; otherwise, replace the End Turn chit in the cup, if drawn, and draw again. If the Free Activation chit is drawn the player indicated activates one of his Wards, even if previously activated. If not yet drawn, the Ward remains in the cup for another draw.
MAP UPDATE (Turn Track)
Players should ignore the hour designations on the Turn Track except as a very general reference. The game employs a chit-pull design mechanic to randomly activate a random number of Wards each turn. It is likely that not all Wards in the game may be activated in a given turn. For this reason, a turn is not intended to be exactly an hour long or any given time period in length. Meanwhile, the map has been updated with numerals instead of hourly incremental notation in games sold going forward.